Barrett and I got sick with colds shortly after that trip and just couldn't seem to shake them after a couple of weeks. If you haven't realized my pregnancy ticker by now, I guess I will officially announce that baby #2 is on the way and due May 8. So that is one of the reasons I was so miserable with that cold...they are always 10 times worse when you are pregnant. Anyway, we are doing better now and Anna hasn't been too sick, so we are grateful!
We have had beautiful weather this fall and have enjoyed being able to go on walks outside for as long as we can. It is definitely getting colder, but we have had lots of sunshine! It's nice for Anna and Cooper and me to be able to get out of the house!
Anna is growing up so fast and amazes me every day with the things she knows. I just started getting her the children's Friend magazine and she LOVES it! She carries it around all day and points out "Doseph" and "Hevny Fader and Jesus." She talks so much and it is just amazing to me the things she understands. She was looking at the Friend the other day and told me "Hevny Fader and Jesus. Love ooh." I couldn't believe it! We have been teaching her in home evenings that Heavenly Father and Jesus love her, but she had never said it before and it was so out of the blue! She also pointed out Joseph Smith and stated "Pwophet." Children these days are so prepared to learn the gospel and are so in tune with the Spirit!
Anna also says some really funny things. Any time you ask her what she did in nursery or what she did that day she says "color." So Sunday morning we had to wake her up for church and she had some crazy bedhead hair. Barrett said, "Anna, you have some crazy hair! What were you doing last night?" and without any hesitation and still with very much sleep in her eyes she looked at him and said in a croaky morning voice "color." We had a good laugh at that one! Apparently she even likes to color in her sleep!
Anna is very good at letting us know what she wants and even asks nicely. She often sees something she wants (usually food) and says "Cereal. Get it. Pleeeease!" And then stands there waiting or repeating please over and over until we get it for her or convince her she doesn't need any. It's pretty funny. Sometimes she just walks into the kitchen and reaches her hands up as high as she can and asks please over and over and over and I don't even know what she wants because she just says please! I ask her what she wants and she just keeps saying please so then we have to play the guessing game... ha ha she keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing. I'll include a funny video of her doing Cooper's tricks. She just started doing them one day when we were telling Cooper to and it is hilarious! Such a funny girl!
Anyway, this post is definitely long enough. We will be in Rexburg for Christmas from December 12th to Jan 10th or so so if you want to see us give us a call! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this week! I am so thankful for the gospel and for family. What a wonderful season to remember the important things.