We're finally on the web! I'm just going to post some background stuff for my own benefit and anyone else that cares. Barrett and I were married August 25, 2006 in the Idaho Falls Temple. We went to Salt Lake for a week for our honeymoon.
Barrett and me on top of the conference center in Salt Lake
We bought a little trailer house in Mill Hollow community in Rexburg. We love the freedom of having our own home and having a lot of room. We have 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and we pay less in rent every month than we would for a 2 bedroom apartment! It's not much to look at on the outside, but we've done a lot of work on the inside and have made it a cozy home. We also like having a little yard to take care of.
Our little trailer house in Rexburg
I went back to school for the fall semester after we were married while Barrett worked on his uncle's farm while he was off track. Gotta love those Idaho Potatoes!
Barrett with some giant potatoes in his uncle's cellar in Newdale
Cutting our first Christmas tree November '06
We went to Montana in March '07 for my cousin's baby blessing. We found Barrett's town on the way there.
I chopped 11 inches off my hair and donated it to Locks of Love in April '07. It felt great!
Welcome to the blogging world...be careful, its addicting! I am so cool to be the first person to comment on your blog! You need to post some pictures of your chubbo baby now. I think you look much more grown up with your hair short. I really like it. Glad to have a family member blogging, now we just need to get Kimi blogging! Love ya!
I found you! I'm glad I remembered the address...now, I demand pictures of Anna! :)
It was so good to see you guys the other day, thanks for letting us come over. Your hair looks cute, by the way! I noticed in was short, and I am so proud of you for donating it! That's awesome! I am thinking of doing the same thing...
Feel free to find us, too: burgeneradventures.blogspot.com
Love you guys!
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