Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog Handicapped

I've been looking at a lot of other people's blogs lately and have realized that my blog is lame lame lame. I finally made some changes to make things a little better, but I think the biggest problem is my posting. I like pictures, so most of my posts have them, but a lot of my life does not get photographed and therefore does not get written about on my blog. I keep a journal and write lots of things in there, but maybe I need to make this more of an online journal. I'm just trying to make it more personable and tell about what's going on in my family. I would love any feedback on the subject or how my blog could be improved. (Maybe it's not the blog. Maybe I'm just lame lame lame! ha ha) Any comments would be appreciated.


Miriam said...

Well, I don't think I am much help... I haven't posted in a while and mine ususally have pictures as well. A lot of my friends just write about whatever! They use it as a journal for them as well as a family journal. They also use it as some place to vent and find validation or conversation. I like that idea. I just don't think about it I guess. Nobody is judging you on your blogging (or hopefully my spelling!) so just do it however you want. This is for you so if you're happy with it then great! I'm excited to see you in a little over a week!

Oh, one recommendation has nothing to do with your blog per se, but you might want to make it so that you have to approve comments before they are automatically posted because I had some random person post a comment on my blog and there was a website linked to it and it was a porn site!!! I wouldn't even have noticed it because it was a really old post except that I have it so that comments are emailed to me. sorry that was so long! Call me if you have no clue what I am talking about!

The Martins said...

Hey Andrea! I love your blog! Something that I like about it is the pictures you post of Anna and how you describe the cute things she does, like how she loves her pacifier or sometimes sucks her thumb... etc. Keep in up!

We'll have to stay in touch & get together sometime!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you found us!

Your blog doesn't seem boring to me. Pictures are always fun to look at. Then again, don't listen to me, I could be lame, lame, lame too! :)

Kylie said...

Andrea, your blog is adorable. At least you have a cute kid to fill the pages! Ha! Love ya!