Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pregnancy: oh the joys!

This is me pregnant! Amazing I know. We just took this picture early on to compare with the later ones when I actually had a belly.

Me with my crazy sisters at Christmas. Miriam (in the middle) and I were both pregnant but not showing yet.

We found out a couple weeks before Christmas that we were having a baby girl so Barrett oops, I mean Santa, got me these cute little shoes and put them in my stocking. I love baby shoes!

I'm just starting to get a little belly here being Vanna White and showing off the new crib. I think I was like 6 months along.

My belly at about 7 months.

Family friend Chris Geddes gave me a baby shower April 5th. It was fun and I got a lot of really cute stuff!

I graduated in from BYU-Idaho in Recreation Management on April 11, just 8 days before little Anna was born! Barrett made sure to show off my belly.

Barrett took this picture just a few days before Anna was born. I had a nice basketball belly that my coworkers at the Behavioral Health Center in Idaho Falls teased me about often. I quit my job there to be a stay at home mom. My last day of work was supposed to be April 18, but I went into labor and had to cancel that one! Good timing Anna!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Okay that is just sickening that that is all the bigger you were at 9 months pregnant with an 8 lb baby!